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Established in 1992, London Fo Guang Shan Temple is an active centre of Buddhist worship and teaching in the Mahayana tradition. It is one of the 200 worldwide branches of Fo Guang Shan Monastery founded in Taiwan by Venerable Master Hsing Yun in 1967.

The Temple propagates the Dharma (Buddhist Teachings) of Humanistic Buddhism advocated by the Venerable Master. Humanistic Buddhism is a modern Buddhist philosophy. Its goal is to live the Bodhisattva way. Bodhisattvas are energetic and enlighten beings who strive to help us liberate ourselves. Humanistic Buddhism places strong emphasis on making Buddhism relevant in contemporary society by bringing it into all aspects of our daily lives.

In the same year, the Buddha’s Light International Association (BLIA) London was born. This is a Lay Buddhists group also formed by Venerable Master Hsing Yun for lay practitioners to join in the propagation of the Buddha’s teachings under the guidance of monastics. The BLIA headquarter is in Los Angeles, California, USA. In every temple of Fo Guang Shan in the world, there is a BLIA chapter within it to assist the temple in spreading the Dharma.

London Fo Guang Shan Temple aspires to create a Pure Land on Earth. Housed in a Grade II* listed building in the central of London city, London Fo Guang Shan Temple is a remarkable example of high Victorian polychromatic architecture by one of the UK’s most significant Victorian architects, William Butterfield. Only a few minutes away from Oxford Street, the Temple provides a sanctuary from the stresses of urban life. Spanning four floors, the Temple consists of the Main Shrine, two additional Shrines for Avalokitesvara (Guan Yin Pusa) Bodhisattva and for Ksitigarbha (Di Zang Pusa) Bodhisttva, A meditation hall, a refectory and a library.

Over two decades, London Fo Guang Shan Temple and its affiliated association have actively fulfilled their role in spreading the Dharma of Humanistic Buddhism based on the four principles initiated by the Venerable Master:

  • Propagating Dharma through Cultural Activities
  • Fostering talents through education
  • Benefiting society through Philanthropic Programme
  • Purifying human hearts and minds through Buddhist practices

當佛光山開山宗長星雲大師興起其「佛光普照三千界,法水長流五大洲」之慈悲宏願時,佛教的種子即開始散播於世界各地。1990年11月,在大師率團至歐洲弘法並繞道英國考察之際,並留下兩項使命:1. 倫敦要有道場;2. 倫敦要成立佛光會。這時侯,這顆佛教種子就已在英國萌芽了。 歷經年餘的努力,1992年初,終於在倫敦最繁華的中心地區覓得一棟合適的宗教建築。4月20日,大師蒞臨主持「國際佛光會倫敦協會成立大會暨皈依典禮」。同年9月28日星雲大師親臨主持開光落成典禮。自此,這座基督教書院便成為佛光山在英國的重要據點.也是中國大乘佛教在英的最佳立足點。 這座樓高四層的古院被列為二星級古蹟的維多利亞建築,曾經一度是基督教神學院。它是一棟擁有地上三樓、地下一層的雙排四層樓高建築,包括大殿、觀音殿、地藏殿、文物流通處、圖書館、辦公室及齋堂。 平日除了例行週日共修會,農曆的初一、十五的點燈祈福法會外,亦會配合時節舉辦多元化活動:如戶外浴佛法會、朝山、社教課程、讀書會、兒童菩提園、生活講座、慈善籌款等,秉持佛光山教育、文化、慈善、修持四大宗旨,藉著不同的活動,推動人間佛教,將佛法融入本地的社會中。 正信佛教不僅在英國紮下了根基,也將不斷地成長茁壯,倫敦佛光山本著星雲大師「以文化弘揚佛法,以教育培育人才,以慈善福利社會,以共修淨化人心」的理念,倡導佛教本土化,培養本地的弘法人才,以為實現同體與共生、歡喜與融和、平等與和平,而建立人間淨土於全世界。